Thursday, October 8, 2009

First Post......of many

Well, I have always contemplated doing a blog. Specifically on moving around America and the pursuit of the American dream. In this day in age that would mean a JOB. It is not our fathers Corporate American any more. Staying with one company until retirement just does not happen.
I have friends who have moved far more than I. In fact one that moved 20 times in 20 years, sometimes not even staying in a place for more than 6 months. Others have jumped across oceans and ponds. And all of them have done it with panache and style that I only hope to master some day.
So my goal for this blog is to address some to the finer points of moving, or as I like to call it "Surviving the Corporate Tour of America".
Everything from "Oh G**, not again" to "Now that I am unpacked, what do I do?"

I really should have started this months ago, but I guess I wasn't ready. Tho trust me, this last move has had many comic moments. Hopefully good material for the "What not to do" section. And I hope more people than my Mom will read this, but if not, it will be a great way to share with her too.


  1. I can't think of anyone more qualified to write this blog....with your enthusiasm for life, healthy sense of humor and wit and the ability to make the best of every situation, all great ingridients for some worthwhile reading.... Good luck!

  2. Thanks Trish. You are one inspiration. We will have to do a guest post so that you can add your 2 cents worth.
