Sunday, April 25, 2010

Find a new passion

Now I don't mean the hunky gardener or pool boy...then again if you are lucky enough. Just kidding.  That would actually be a whole different post.  Possibly a "What not to do" one.

One thing I have found in this crazy world is that it is great to have a passion.  For some it is food, wine, running or reading.  For me it is food, wine, walking & ..........volunteering.  I can't help it.  My hand has a terrible habit of going up when someone asks for help.  I sometimes try to sit on it, but it still wiggles out from under my leg.  Then, when I  have finally controlled my hand, my mouth goes and says, "Sure, I can help!"  But I have figured out why this happens.  I really like to help out.  Some might call it a sickness (you know who you are Bob honey), some might call it a gift.  And some might call it just crazy!  But whatever it is for you, for me it is a piece to my puzzle.  It is what makes me tick.  It makes me smile!  It makes me feel useful!  And did I mention all of the really great people you get to meet when you volunteer?  Future friends for sure!

Now we all have something that we love and feel passionate about.  Maybe it is reading, walking, working with seniors, or even gardening.  These are all great things to use as a base to launch your social life in your new surroundings.  Look for the local garden club, go find a day center for the elderly, volunteer at school, at your local library even.  I have started walking with some really great gals in my neighborhood.  We walk at least 3 days a week with the dogs.  We drink coffee and hold poopy bags as we laugh along the trails of the Chatahoochee.

So write out a list of your favorite things or passions and then follow them.  You just might be surprised what great people you can meet from this simple act!  And in no time at all you will feel like you are thriving, not just surviving.