The single most difficult thing to find when you move is a good hairdresser. Sure, doctors and dentists can be tough to locate as well and are up there on the list. But a good stylist is crucial. The last time I moved, I got very lucky in finding my hair stylist. She was a Mom at the pre-school and would play with my hair when we were both volunteering. She said she was not taking any new clients, but she had to work with my hair so she made an exception. We were together for many years, even during my non-hair phase in life.
Well, this move I was not so lucky. I asked various women that I met if they had any recommendations. Most would not share their secret. Then I went to the YELP website (see sidebar) and located an Aveda Salon near by. I figured they were all trained in the same technique, so it should be a safe bet. No such luck. I have to say that I actually had the worst haircut of my life. Somewhere between Carol Brady & Billy Rae Cirus's mullet. It was really awful. I gave it a week, but then had to do something about it. I actually went back to the same salon but asked to speak to the owner. They agreed that it was a terrible cut, and graciously fixed it at no additional charge. Apparently the gal is no longer there. I suspect I was not the only victim. I have since found someone who does a great job, and thankfully have that chore off my list.
So the lesson from this? Ask around more, because there is nothing worse than a bad hair day, especially when you are just meeting people.
PS> Thankfully I will be back in OH for Thanksgiving and will be able to get my coloring done by my faavorite gal! Sorry, I am only willing to risk so much!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The Many Firsts......
There are many firsts when it comes to moving. The first friend, the first time you get lost (of many I am sure), and the first holiday that you miss, just to name a few. Tonight, is one of them.....Beggars Night. This is an insane crazy concept that some lunatic person came up with to keep the kids from actually Trick-or-treating on the actual night. So it is usually 2 or so days before Halloween, and never is it on a Friday or Saturday.

Our neighborhood has always done this event very well. One of the neighbors organizes it all and all of the families come and have dinner before. Then the bullhorn is blown promptly at 6pm and all of the kids dash to make sure they hit every house before it is time to go home. He who scores the most candy wins!
It is a great time for the parents as well and it gives us a chance to say hello, have an adult beverage and catch up. All day I have been thinking about this and wishing that we could be there too. So many memories come from that night. The mad dash to get the perfect costume finished. The year that I finally let the kids go out on their own, with me following somewhere behind chatting with neighbors and replenishing our beverages along the way. All of these are the things that I missed out on today. And I admit I was sad. Especially when a friend left a post saying it wasn't the same without us. I am trying to cut down on the tear production here people!
But, I am trying to also remember that Saturday we will be starting new memories when we gather with our new neighbors and get to know them a little more. There will be dinner, and drinks and a mad dash for the best candy. And everyone will be a stranger at first. But hopefully, some will be new friends by the end of the night.

Maybe even this guy.
So, maybe all firsts are not such a bad thing. And maybe the hardest part is just getting through them so that they are no longer "The First".
Our neighborhood has always done this event very well. One of the neighbors organizes it all and all of the families come and have dinner before. Then the bullhorn is blown promptly at 6pm and all of the kids dash to make sure they hit every house before it is time to go home. He who scores the most candy wins!
It is a great time for the parents as well and it gives us a chance to say hello, have an adult beverage and catch up. All day I have been thinking about this and wishing that we could be there too. So many memories come from that night. The mad dash to get the perfect costume finished. The year that I finally let the kids go out on their own, with me following somewhere behind chatting with neighbors and replenishing our beverages along the way. All of these are the things that I missed out on today. And I admit I was sad. Especially when a friend left a post saying it wasn't the same without us. I am trying to cut down on the tear production here people!
But, I am trying to also remember that Saturday we will be starting new memories when we gather with our new neighbors and get to know them a little more. There will be dinner, and drinks and a mad dash for the best candy. And everyone will be a stranger at first. But hopefully, some will be new friends by the end of the night.
Maybe even this guy.
So, maybe all firsts are not such a bad thing. And maybe the hardest part is just getting through them so that they are no longer "The First".
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Making New Friends
The text said meet me for coffee at noon. Somebody wanted to do something with me!! The problem was I had no clue who it was. At first I thought perhaps it was a wrong number. Then I realized it was a local area code and I have an out of state one so they must have known me. Random dialing that way just does not happen. Then I determined that it was my new friend Ms. L who I met at Starbucks last week. She wanted to see me. Now, for those of you who have not had the luxury of moving, this is an euphoric feeling! It makes you feel like you are making progress, even when you don't want to. Let me explain:
It was one of those days where I did not want to put myself out there and just felt like hiding. I was having a beauty free day (which should have scared anyone away) and I was just going to sit and read the paper at Starbucks. A treat for me since I do not normally take the time to do that on a daily basis.
Though I didn't feel like chatting, I didn't feel like being at home. So I dragged myself to the nearest Barista and sat down to enjoy a cup'o Joe and the paper. I was in public, but not required to participate in what was going on. After a few minutes the gal sitting next to me started up a conversation. At first I was very quiet (I know, imagine that) but I then decided to actively join in and chat back. We ended up talking for over an hour and instead of it being that get to know you chat, it was just pleasant conversation with another human. We exchanged numbers and agreed to call in the future. Fast forward 1 week.
The poor gal caught me in a beauty free day again, but she is a Mom and knows how that is. I must admit, though I was not up to the "meet people" moment last week, I am glad I put myself out there. Ms. L (identity hidden) is a lovely person who is fun to chat with. I look forward to our next visit!
Making new friends can be a fun thing to do. But it can also be exhausting. Especially when you move. There is always the notion of having to be on all of the time. Happy, smiling and full of fun. But there are days when you just can not chat with another person if your life depended on it. But sometimes, the effort pays off and you get the pleasure of getting to know another person whom you can call a friend. So when you feel like crawling into your hole, crawl back out and get a cup of coffee.
It was one of those days where I did not want to put myself out there and just felt like hiding. I was having a beauty free day (which should have scared anyone away) and I was just going to sit and read the paper at Starbucks. A treat for me since I do not normally take the time to do that on a daily basis.
Though I didn't feel like chatting, I didn't feel like being at home. So I dragged myself to the nearest Barista and sat down to enjoy a cup'o Joe and the paper. I was in public, but not required to participate in what was going on. After a few minutes the gal sitting next to me started up a conversation. At first I was very quiet (I know, imagine that) but I then decided to actively join in and chat back. We ended up talking for over an hour and instead of it being that get to know you chat, it was just pleasant conversation with another human. We exchanged numbers and agreed to call in the future. Fast forward 1 week.
The poor gal caught me in a beauty free day again, but she is a Mom and knows how that is. I must admit, though I was not up to the "meet people" moment last week, I am glad I put myself out there. Ms. L (identity hidden) is a lovely person who is fun to chat with. I look forward to our next visit!
Making new friends can be a fun thing to do. But it can also be exhausting. Especially when you move. There is always the notion of having to be on all of the time. Happy, smiling and full of fun. But there are days when you just can not chat with another person if your life depended on it. But sometimes, the effort pays off and you get the pleasure of getting to know another person whom you can call a friend. So when you feel like crawling into your hole, crawl back out and get a cup of coffee.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Don't forget the family pet in the move.
Now I am sure that there have been folks that have actually forgotten to put their pet in the car when they move. Or even those terrible folks who knowingly leave man's best friend behind. I am neither thankfully. But one cannot forget the family pet when it comes to moving. Case in point....our dog Jager. Now Jager is a rescue dog that we found 4 years ago. He has added a ton of joy to our lives and really is the best dog ever. But a move can be very traumatic for the family pet too. This move we went from our old house into my hubby's temporary apartment. 600 SQ ft, 2 kids, 2 adults & 1 dog. A tad too cozy for my liking, but then again we were only in the Cave for a month. I think the whole process was very upsetting for the pooch. First of all, he had to ride an elevator to go out to relieve himself. That alone was very traumatic. It took a few tries, and then he got used to it. And eventually he actually enjoyed it. He thought it was amazing that the special doors opened and occasionally out would come another dog. He was very disappointed when that did not happen, but the anticipation made him want to leave the apartment. Once we got past that, he had to get used to a more Urban setting. He did not like buses going by, and could not understand why he had to be on a leash all of the time. (previously he was allowed to free-walk on our walks. He was very cranky with me) It then occurred to me that perhaps I should start taking him to more of a neighborhood setting to walk, similar to what we had been in. Well this made a world of difference. Since our new house was over 30 minutes away I just opted for a lovely neighborhood 5 minutes away. He loved it. There were mailboxes and lawns and even geese to chase. I think he felt at home a little more. We have since moved into our new home. He has less runaround space but he has made many new doggie friends. We make sure to get him out, especially in the neighborhood so that he can get to know the other doggies in the hood. He already knows those that are friendly and playful, as well as those to leave alone. And now he also has 2 little girls next door that adore him and love him up every chance they get.
He is eating well again, and seems to be a much happier dog. It may have taken a little bit of effort, but he is worth it. After all he is a member of the family.
Here are some ways to help your "Jager" move in:
He is eating well again, and seems to be a much happier dog. It may have taken a little bit of effort, but he is worth it. After all he is a member of the family.
Here are some ways to help your "Jager" move in:
- Find your local dog parks and go to play. Chances are you might meet some nice folks too!
- Walk around your neighborhood and meet the other dogs.
- Invite new neighbors over for a doggie playtime.
- Make sure that he gets out of the house with you, even if it is a car ride to pick up a child.
- Give him lots of love!
Friday, October 9, 2009
When does a house become a home?
When do you start to feel at home? Is it when the boxes are unpacked and everything is put away? Is it when you have your first houseguest, first party or first holiday? I am not sure which one is it and I am sure it is different for everyone. I can say from experience that it has been different with each house. Our first house was a labor of love. We redid it from top to bottom and loved every corner of it. It was always a home. House #2 was a work in progress when we moved. It was supposed to be the forever house. 22 months there. House number #3 was a great place to live, but it was never really home. Number #4 was similar to number #1. Lots of work that became a home. Now, house #5 is waiting for me to embrace it and make it mine. I just cannot figure out what it needs to make that happen. Is it the landscaping that is a tad bit overgrown? Or is it the kitchen that needs an overhaul? I have had houseguest already (several times) and that has not done the trick. So what does it take?
Well, I am sure there are all sorts of things that might work for different people. But I think for me, it is going to be a list.
1. Pick out paint colors for each room.
2. Paint.
3. Get rid of excess things. Couches, tables, and junk.
4. Call the landscapers and get bids for cleaning up the yard.
5. Invite some friends or neighbors over.
6. Have some fun!
7. Don't worry about it all.
I think #7 is the most important one. It will all come with time. What is your trick?
Well, I am sure there are all sorts of things that might work for different people. But I think for me, it is going to be a list.
1. Pick out paint colors for each room.
2. Paint.
3. Get rid of excess things. Couches, tables, and junk.
4. Call the landscapers and get bids for cleaning up the yard.
5. Invite some friends or neighbors over.
6. Have some fun!
7. Don't worry about it all.
I think #7 is the most important one. It will all come with time. What is your trick?
Thursday, October 8, 2009
First Post......of many
Well, I have always contemplated doing a blog. Specifically on moving around America and the pursuit of the American dream. In this day in age that would mean a JOB. It is not our fathers Corporate American any more. Staying with one company until retirement just does not happen.
I have friends who have moved far more than I. In fact one that moved 20 times in 20 years, sometimes not even staying in a place for more than 6 months. Others have jumped across oceans and ponds. And all of them have done it with panache and style that I only hope to master some day.
So my goal for this blog is to address some to the finer points of moving, or as I like to call it "Surviving the Corporate Tour of America".
Everything from "Oh G**, not again" to "Now that I am unpacked, what do I do?"
I really should have started this months ago, but I guess I wasn't ready. Tho trust me, this last move has had many comic moments. Hopefully good material for the "What not to do" section. And I hope more people than my Mom will read this, but if not, it will be a great way to share with her too.
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